Let me tell you twolegs just don't know how to curl up right. It's much more comfy to have your head tucked in down by your butt. And paws laid over your head.We go to her, purring, rubbing, kneading, and licking; to try and give some comfort. Tiger always gets the head. He just lays one paw on her arm and snuggles in. I don't know why, but I always get pushed away for putting my head near her face and purring loudly. So I head down and curl up behind her knees.
I wish our human didn't get sick so often. But in a way it's kind of nice. The room is dark and quiet. She keeps the door closed, so the smaller twolegs can't come in. I like the quiet and special alone time we get with her. We're the only ones she'll let get close to her when she's sick
We both know that it's our love and affection that make it all better.
~Sassy and Tiger